Rode algen poeder (Lithothamnion calcareum), magnesium bisglycinaat, capsule-omhulsel: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, citicoline, magnesium malaat, druivenpit extract (Vitis vinifera L.), vitamine C complex⥉ (L-ascorbinezuur, citrusbioflavonoïden, plantaardige vetzuren), bamboescheut extract (Bambusa arundinacea), co-enzym Q10, polyfenol C mix (L-ascorbinezuur, bessen extracten), vitamine E complex (gemodificeerd zetmeel, natuurlijke gemengde tocoferolen, zonnebloem olie), kerrieblad extract (Murraya koenigii), nicotinamide, groene theeblad extract (Camellia sinensis), acerola fruit poeder (Malpighia glabra), amla fruit extract (Emblica officinalis), bosbessen fruit poeder (Vaccinium myrtillus), ijzer bisglycinaat, betaïne, broccoli bloem poeder (Brassica oleracea var. italica), gerstegrassap poeder (Hordeum vulgare), chlorella vulgaris poeder, boerenkool poeder (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica), Spirulina platensis poeder, tarwegrassap poeder (Triticum aestivum), zink malaat, zink bisglycinaat, calcium-D-pantothenaat, trans-resveratrol, natrium seleniet poeder (draagstof: Calcium carbonaat, natrium seleniet), vitamine D3 poeder (tapiocazetmeel, cholecalciferol), inositol, AFA algen poeder (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae), mangaan gluconaat, zink-L-lysinaat, Citrus aurantium fruit extract, rutine, Sophora japonica knop extract, vitamine K2 ⦵ (sacharose, stabilisator: Arabische gom, maïszetmeel, MCT-olie, vitamine K2), natrium riboflavine 5'-fosfaat, vitamine A (gemodificeerd zetmeel, retinyl palmitaat, maltodextrine, sucrose, antioxidant: Alfa-tocoferol; natrium ascorbaat, antiklontermiddel: Siliciumdioxide), pyridoxaal-5′-fosfaat, natrium boraat, koper lysine complex, thiamine hydrochloride, citroenschil extract (Citrus limon), mosterdzaad extract (Brassica juncea), calcium-L-5-methyl tetrahydrofolaat⌑, kalium jodide, chroom picolinaat, hydroxo cobalamine (-acetaat, -chloride, -sulfaat), biotine, 5MTHF-glucosamine°, natrium molybdaat, 5′-deoxyadenosyl cobalamine, methyl cobalamine.
⥉ PureWay-C®. PureWay-C® and PureWay C® logo are marks of One Innovation Labs, LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries
⦵MK7 all-trans, K2VITAL® DELTA
⌑ Magnafolate® Pro
Inhoud: 120 capsules
Samenstelling per dagelijkse dosering / 4 capsules | %NRV** |
Vitamine A | 600 µg RE (2.000 IE) | 75 |
Vitamine D3 | 25 µg | 500 |
Vitamine E | 12 mg α-TE | 100 |
Vitamine K2 (K2VITAL®) | 50 µg | 67 |
Vitamine C | 110 mg | 138 |
Thiamine | 2,2 mg | 200 |
Riboflavine (R-5-P) | 2,8 mg | 200 |
Niacine | 32 mg | 200 |
Vitamine B6 (P-5-P) | 2,8 mg | 200 |
Foliumzuur (5-MTHF) | 400 µg | 200 |
Vitamine B12 | 150 µg | 6.000 |
Biotine | 100 µg | 200 |
Pantotheenzuur | 12 mg | 200 |
Calcium | 300 mg | 38 |
Magnesium | 99,4 mg | 26 |
IJzer | 6 mg | 43 |
Zink | 8 mg | 80 |
Koper | 0,5 mg | 50 |
Mangaan | 1,0 mg | 50 |
Selenium | 60 µg | 109 |
Chroom | 20 µg | 50 |
Molybdeen | 25 µg | 50 |
Jodium | 150 µg | 100 |
Borium | 0,5 mg | *** |
Citicoline | 200 mg | *** |
Betaïne | 20 mg | *** |
Inositol | 10 mg | *** |
Trans-resveratrol | 10 mg | *** |
OPC (uit druivenpit) | 71 mg | *** |
Silizium (uit bamboe) | 20 mg | *** |
Co-enzym Q10 | 50 mg | *** |
EGCG (uit groene thee) | 10 mg | *** |
Wilde bosbessen fruit poeder | 25 mg | *** |
Broccoli bloem poeder | 20 mg | *** |
Boerenkool poeder | 20 mg | *** |
Gerstegrassap poeder | 20 mg | *** |
Tarwegrassap poeder | 20 mg | *** |
Chlorella vulgaris poeder | 20 mg | *** |
Spirulina platensis poeder | 20 mg | *** |
AFA algen poeder | 10 mg | *** |
Hesperidine (uit citrus aurantium) | 6 mg | *** |
Rutine | 5 mg | *** |
Quercetine (uit sophora japonica) | 5 mg | *** |